C Glossary


Several Patches aligned edge to edge (short edges) along a Curve.They are important for the layup optimization. A chain is defined by curve, start point, start point distance and spacing.


A CAD-based entity that describes a Chain.

Cutting Geometry

Definition of the cutting edge geometry of a Patch.


Fiber Patch Placement, an automated composites manufacturing process using separate patches of fiber material; see also Fiber Patch Placement.

Hole Reinforcement / cevoPad

Patches reinforcing a hole in a component. Defined by a center point to rotate patches at their center of gravity.


An entity of Sublayers which is defined by a set of parameters (such as Patch Zone, Master Curve).

Master curve

Used for generating Slave Curves within a Patch Boundary. The Master Curve defines the fiber orientation of a Layer.


Transversal offset of Curves.(Master Curve - Slave Curve or Slave Curve - Slave Curve).


Piece of a tape with a specified Cutting Geometry and two parallel edges.

Patch Boundary

A surface area of a part that is to be filled with Patches. A percentage of the patch area is overlapping the patch boundary depending on optimization parameters.

Patch Laminate

The root element in the hierarchy of patches. It exists only once in every project and contains all other entities.

Patch Length

The length of a Patch after the cutting process. It is defined by the length of the carbon fiber filaments.

Slave Curves

Curves that are created by offsetting the Master Curve with a constant offset value in order to cover the Patch Zone.


Space between two neighboring Patches along a Chain.


A Sublayer is the smallest entity that is capable of covering the entire Patch Zone with Patches. At least two sublayers are required to ensure load transmission.


A CAD-based entity that describes the part of model on which the Patch Laminate can be generated.


Several (partially) overlapping Layers.

Tape / cevoTape

Carbon fiber tape material from which Patches are cut off. A tape is specified by the filament material, fiber titer, width, areal weight and binder material.