1. Introduction
1.1. Cevotec
Cevotec is the leading developer and supplier of patch-based manufacturing technologies in the fiber composite field. Founded in Munich in early 2015, Cevotec offers the first production technology for carbon fiber composites that works with patch laminates and empowers manufacturers to build complex parts - quality controlled and in high volumes. Cevotec develops and distributes manufacturing equipment as well as software for the product development and for the production of components. It also offers services for the development of CFRP prototypes and serial components.

1.2. Artist Studio
Artist Studio is an ideal tool for digital product development and production planning. The software creates an optimized laminate and generates the corresponding machine data for the manufacturing cell with two easy-to-use modules perfectly aligned for the product development on a single platform. For laminate generation the software offers the Patch Artist module. In addition, it offers the Motion Artist module for robot simulation. These modules allow the generation of high-performance laminates with variable fiber orientation and component thickness. The user interface is designed to easily define fiber zones on the imported CAD surfaces as well as layer size, layer orientations, layer thickness, tape width, fiber length etc. The result can be visualized, checked and, if necessary, quickly changed again. An improvement of the mechanical properties can be achieved with the integrated layup optimization along curvilinear load paths - even with complex geometries. With this precision in the fiber deposit, even higher mechanical properties can be achieved than with the use of continuous fibers of conventional laminates.
1.2.1. Patch Artist
With the Patch Artist module, one can generate patch based high-performance laminates with variable fiber orientation and component thickness. Its user interface is designed to easily define patch zones on the imported CAD surfaces.

Fig. 1.1 Patch Artist
1.2.2. Motion Artist
The layup generated in Patch Artist is available directly in Motion Artist so that one can perform automatic offline programming of the robots. This shortens production preparation and can also directly convert changes or adjustments to the layup into production data. The built-in collision detection and the visual production simulation also increases the safety in production.

Fig. 1.2 Motion Artist